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Old Time Candy商城

We are Karen and Donny Ray and our business is located in LaGrange, Ohio. We grew up in the late fifties and early sixties and are certified "baby boomers." It cost 50 cents to go the "picture show" and a large bag of popcorn from the "dime store" was only a dime (really!). We remember the first McDonald's in Cleveland when the burgers were 15 cents and the fries sold for 12 cents. Those were the days! This adventure began in July, 1999 when we walked into a large candy store in Cleveland, Ohio that specializes in old time candy. We had no idea that many of our old time favorites still existed. It was the candy we ate as kids. Necco Wafers, Candy Buttons on paper tape, Wax Lips, Candy Cigarettes. Amazing!
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信息名称: Old Time Candy商城
信息栏目: 信息简介 网站链接
单位地址: 350 Commerce Drive East - LaGrange, OH 44050
网址链接: www.oldtimecandy.com/
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本页链接: http://wanctlxakz090.kkkvip.net/
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